End of a big year – La fin d’une grosse année

Since my last post, we were deeply saddened to learn of the loss of yet another friend – Dr. Karen Bakker – in Vancouver. She is gone far too soon and dearly missed. Karen was at the top of her game and leaves to mourn her family and many of us who had the privilege of getting to know her and were inspired by her brilliance and generous spirit. Que son âme repose en paix.
On a more positive note, my invited book chapter in a collection edited by Olaf Kühne, and his colleagues at University of Tübingen was published by Springer. I have Jayeeta (Jo) Sharma to thank for having flagged the previous, 2022, volume in this series to me last summer where I’m cited as the first to publish on concept of foodscapes. Merci également à Simon Vonthron qui a publié dans Plos One une étude de la portée sur l’utilisation de ce terme en 2020. Cette revue résumait astucieusement la littérature sur plus de 25 ans.
I also took on additional responsibilities at work in September, had the privilege of travelling to Vietnam in October on a mission organized by the Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE). This was my second time in Vietnam but my first time to the north (Hanoi) and first trip back to Asia since the pandemic. Here’s a recap of the trip by CBIE in English and French.
Les conflits un peu partout au monde, surtout au moyen-orient, sont boulversants, et posent des défis pour les universités qui doivent naviguer des dossiers sensibles. Cependant, ces tragédies nous rappellent nos privilèges. Je suis reconnaissante pour ma bonne santé, ma famille, mon éducation, mon emploi et mes conforts. En espérant que 2024 apportera de la paix, de la justice et une meilleure qualité de vie pour toutes et tous.

Drinking Vietnamese Iced Coffee in Hanoi (Photo credit: Cheryl Dumaresq)