Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Agri-Food

It was a privilege to lead a research project over the past nine months for the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada on the topic of micro, small and medium enterprises in the agri-food sector in the Philippines, Vietnam and Peru as part of the Global Affairs Canada funded APEC-Canada Growing Business Partnership. The report was published on March 23rd, 2018 and is available open-access for downloading at: https://apfcanada-msme.ca/research/micro-small-and-medium-enterprises-agri-food-study-philippines-vietnam-and-peru. My thanks to the Foundation as well as co-authors from Vietnam Silicon Valley and Dr. Roslyn Kunin as well as the support of research assistants Nathaniel Candelaria and Deyvi Danny Machacuay Saez and numerous key informants and interviewees without whom this research report would not have been possible.