Report from The Netherlands and Belgium

I’m delighted to have been invited to speak at the European Institute of Asian Studies in Brussels on Wednesday, January 27th. The topic of my presentation was “Women’s Access to Public Space in Asia: India, Thailand and the Philippines in Comparative Perspective” based on a recent draft book chapter based on many years of past work. Merci pour cette belle opportunité!
On Thursday, January 28th, I had the pleasure of participating in and speaking at the final event for the NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) funded CATCH Program (Continuous Access to Cultural Heritage). CATCH is an interdisciplinary research program involving computer science, humanities scholars and cultural institutions. It has been a privilege to serve on the International Scientific Advisory Board for this program over the past four years. We also took the opportunity to celebrate the career contributions of Professor Jaap van den Herik, a pioneer in computer science and digital humanities. Hartelijk bedankt!