This post is inspired by my participation in the 2015 Congrès Asie-Pacifique, held in Paris this past September. Here is an excerpt with the full text available here: While English is often thought of as the international academic lingua franca, there is significant scholarship on Asia in other languages, including French. French-language scholarship on the
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Innovative and Engaging Communications in and Beyond the Academy

Photo above courtesy of GlobalHigherEd. Kris Olds, editor of GlobalHigherEd, kindly published this guest-blog on October 4th, 2015. It was also simultaneously published by Inside Higher Ed in GlobalHigherEd’s section. The full text is available here. Below is the opening paragraph. Research and scholarship is primarily about asking and answering questions as well as conserving and constantly
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Living with Risk by Tamaki Endo

Pacific Affairs invited me to review a new book entitled Living with Risk: Precarity & Bangkok’s Urban Poor by Tamaki Endo, a Japanese scholar. It’s a great read for those with an interest in urbanization and poverty alleviation. What’s also nice is that it cites a lot of Japanese-language scholarship on these issues, which might not normally
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Feeding Cities in the Horn of Africa

In 2002, I had the privilege of being invited by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to do some work on a forum in Addis Ababa entitled “Feeding Cities in the Horn of Africa”. A report of the workshop involving local authorities, researchers and representatives from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors is
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